Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rainy Days and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays....

Today is at least our sixth consecutive day of rain. I have long known that rainy,overcast days tend to suck a lot of life out of me. A sure sign is getting out of bed. Normally I am a "zero to 60" in a matter of few minutes..yes, I am one of those dreaded morning people!

So this morning I am dragging myself out, and before I know it a few hours have passed and I cannot point to one productive thing I have done either professionally or personally. I haven't even looked at my "to do" list and really am not sure if I care if I do. This is definitely not the way to start the day. (And you thought "Motivators" never needed motivating..)

Now here is the difference between what I used to do versus what I do now. At one point I would have done some combination of the following: general procrastination, beat myself up for not doing what I should be doing, for not accomplishing anything, or the right things. This of course did nothing to lift my spirits, get anything done and left me feeling even worse.

Instead what I did was accept this was not going to be the most energizing, productive day of my life. Considering I am someone who used to complain that I didn't get enough done on the few "sick days" I took from work..when I was really sick--- this is a tough step to take. Fortunately somewhere along the way I have decided to deal with the obvious reality . Denial wasn't working so I figured I better pick another option!

Immediately that took presssure off of me. Then I took out my "to do" list. I determined what literally had to be done today. There was really only three things. I marked those and then determined what else needed to be done that I felt I could realistically do. In the end I ran four errands, made about 6 phone calls, and tended to one detail about a meeting. Not exactly an award winning performance.

But....I did get something done, I stopped walking in circles, I feel better in general and am not beating myself up.

You know what? It turned out to be a pretty good day. Now I will go and make sure the sump pump is still running and I don't have a flooded basement!