Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Focus and Fighting vs Focus and Accepting

I grew up in a family where "fair" was a key word, in language more than actions. I found myself as an adult still frequently thinking or saying that things weren't fair. The reality is they frequently are not, but also you could argue the whole case on what is the definition of "fair". Maybe we will do that another day.
The key thing for me is that there are things that enter your life that are not fair. Sometimes we bring them on, sometimes they are dropped on us. I used to sometimes get stuck at the "it's not fair" stage. Didn't exactly move me along to resolution. Finally one day it dawned on me---just because it is not fair does not mean I do not have to deal with it.

There's a difference between being focused and fighting what's "getting in your way", and being focused and accepting the variations. I have found that the less time I fight and get angry with these unexpected happenings, and more time figuring out why they have been given with me, my energy is higher, my life is happier----even through the "crap", and I get through it faster, easier, better and learn more than how to "fight" harder.

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